
This is probably where the founder’s bio goes…

This space is about your peace. It is about learning and exploring methods that create more clarity and improve your mental health, your balance and joy. For that reason, one of the methods I use when creating content or programming is to keep my visible SELF out of it as much as possible. This removes a certain level of distraction and increases the success rate of absorbing the material. My voice is one of the skills or talents (or whatever you want to call it), that I frequently use to create content…recorded meditations and affirmations and motivational pieces. I did not know what to do with my voice for many years and so if you are bored and persistent you can actually find my journey on many different projects and platforms across the internet. I might have dabbled in hip-hop performing in my early twenties, but hey who didn’t? Growing into your most contributing and fulfilling space is a process and mine led to motivational speaking on the power of positivity, which led to guiding mindful meditations.

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Try some things. Then try some more things.

Our health is a lifelong journey. Your meditation practice is called a practice because it too is a lifelong journey. No one masters meditation then retires from it because they’ve peaked and now it’s time to let someone else have a win. Give meditation a real chance, then give it a few more chances and allow yourself to grow through the process. Every minute we allow the power of meditation to be part of our space we are creating something better. The more we allow that BETTER into our lives the more we see progress and positivity trickle into our relationships and into the lives of random people who cross our paths for even the briefest moments.

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There is science and there is spirituality.

Pick your reason or pick no reason at all. Be motivated by curiosity and nothing else, it won’t matter in the least. Meditation works. It is a 5000 year old spiritual practice, and it is now being adopted more and more by western medicine. It is a CAM Therapy- go ahead and Google that or check in on Breathe & Prosper’s FB page for some quick information on what that even means. If you are looking for a spiritual connection, peace and stillness or a link to a deeper sense of SELF, this is a powerful path to walk. Give your mind, body and spirit some much needed balance. Meditate.

My background:

B.A.- Communications (Advertising & Public Relations)

M.A.- Interdisciplinary Communications

Certified Professional Life Coach

Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher

Breathe and prosper,
